
Blue Ridge Marksmanship Course List

We can have your ammo waiting on you for any course you are attending.
Please email Kevin to inquire about availability, cost and caliber.

(Click courses for details.)

N.C. Concealed Carry Handgun
Beginner Pistol Skills Development
Defensive Pistol (A women-only course is also offered for this.)
Advanced Pistol Speed Development Course
Couples Defensive Pistol

Beginner AR-15
AR-15 Operator’s Course
Advanced AR-15 Operator’s Course
Urban Patrol Rifle Course
AR-15 Set up and Zero Course

Beginner Shotgun
Urban and Defensive Shotgun

TACMED and Close Quarters Pistol
Injured Shooter

Special Interest
Active Shooter Response
NRA Range Safety Officer Training
Firearms Awareness for Families & Teens
Room Search and Room Clearing Pistol or AR-15
Vehicle Defensive Pistol
Advanced Vehicle Defensive Pistol
Low Light Pistol and AR-15 Problem Solver Course
Two Bad Days
Three Bad Days
AK Operators Course
Pistol & AR-15 Skills Speed Development
Injured Shooter
BRM Alumni Day(s)

Law Enforcement Only Courses

2 Man Room Search and Room Clearing
Law Enforcement Officer Survival Course



Custom Courses: If you do not see a course of instruction that you or your company desires, please contact us. We are happy to work with you to design custom courses for any need.

Dates: If the dates listed for the course do not work for you, please contact Kevin. We are happy to try to make arrangements to suit your needs, and often are able to accommodate such requests.

Military Discount: 15% discount on all courses for Active Military (including reserve component), Law Enforcement, and Firefighters. Please contact Kevin prior to booking a course to receive your discount instructions.

Instructor Development: We have instructor development workshops available if you are an agency instructor or looking to improve your instructing abilities. Please contact us for more details.

Don’t own a firearm?: We have a selection of firearms for rental. Please contact us before booking to confirm availability.

Upcoming Course Dates:



11 NC CCH Course


9 NC CCH Course (Sunday) 


7-8 Low Light Operations and Engagements Course
8 NC CCH Course
9 Beginner Pistol Skills Development Course
15-16 Defensive Pistol Course
22-23 AR-15 Operator’s Course
29-30 Urban Defensive Shotgun Course  


5-6 Vehicle Defensive Pistol Course
12 NC CCH Course
13 AR-15 Set up and Zeroing Course
26-27 Room Clearance/ Room Search Course


3-4 AR-15 Operator’s Course
10-11 Woman’s Only Defensive Pistol (Mother’s Day Weekend)
17 Beginner Pistol Skills Development Course
18 NC CCH Course (Sunday)
24-26 3 Bad Days
31-1 June Advanced AR-15 Course 


14-15 Defensive Pistol Course
21-22 Alumni Skills Days
28-29 Vehicle Defensive Pistol Course


12-13 Advanced Pistol Course
19 NC CCH Course
20 Beginner Pistol Skills Development Course
26-27 Open. To be determined


2-3 AR-15 Operator’s Course
9 Open. To be determined
10 NC CCH Course (Sunday)
16-17 Defensive Pistol Course
23-24 Pistol/AR-15 Skills Development (Speed) Course
30-31 AK Operator’s Course


6-7 Room Search/ Room Clearance Course
13-14 Urban Defensive Shotgun Course
21 Beginner Pistol Skills Development Course
27-28 Vehicle Defensive Pistol Course


4-5 AR-15 Operator’s Course
11-12 Defensive Pistol Course
18 NC CCH Course
25-26 Open. To Be Determined 


1-2 AR-15 Operator’s Course
7-8 Low Light Operations and Engagements Course
8 Open. To Be Determined
9 NC CCH Course (Sunday)
15-16 Defensive Pistol Course
22-23 Open. To be determined


6 NC CCH Course 

Click button, then use the calendar to find desired course.

Teaching Style:

At Blue Ridge Marksmanship, we help you to gain a better understanding for your firearm. We help your gun handling abilities improve and we teach you ‘a way’ to shoot. There are millions of ways to fire a gun and hit a target, we will help you find the best one for you, not hammer you into ‘the way’ to shoot.

North Carolina’s Premier Shooting School