Firearms Awareness for Families & Teens

Contact us to book this course.

(All other courses may be booked online.)

Firearms Awareness for Families & Teens



 This is a family course. Families with teenage children that either have guns present in their homes or may be exposed to firearms at some point in their lifetime.  Firearm owners looking to gain the needed knowledge to improve their safe gun handling skills and firearm storage techniques This course can cover whatever the parents would like up to and including  discharging rifles, shotguns and pistols. This course is operated one family at a time. Contact Kevin for more information and to schedule.


Do not have extensive firearms training? Might not be able to answer hard questions about firearms? Do NOT want your child to experience firearms for the first time without an adult present?  This is the course for any family that wants to ensure safe gun handling in their home or anywhere their family may be.

Classroom instruction and practical exercises on the range will provide the group a solid skill set in safe gun handling techniques, basic shooting fundamentals, manipulation skills and safe storage considerations.

If you do not own a firearm, rentals are available.

Participants should be prepared to train in all weather conditions. This program can be challenging and participants should come to class with an open mind and a good attitude.

This is a 4 hour training day from either 8:30 am to 12:30 pm OR 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm. It is recommended you have snacks, some will be available such as power bars, crackers and granola bars. Otherwise, please bring your own.

Length & Price: 1/2 day. $150 per family.

(All other courses may be booked online.)

Areas of Instruction:

  • Firearm safety considerations
  • Safe gun handling procedures
  • How firearms work
  • Basic shooting fundamentals
  • Discharging of selected firearms
  • Firearm storage considerations
  • Firearms characteristics
  • Loading and unloading techniques.


Prerequisites and Physical Requirements

  1. This course is designed for either one or both parents to be present during all training. Siblings/children under the age of 12 will not be permitted to discharge any firearms but are encouraged to attend the training.
  2. Student should be physically able to get up and down from standing, kneeling and prone positions.


Required Equipment

    • Firearm in good working order (or rental firearm(s))
      • Pistol: 1-2 magazines (semi-autos)
      • Rifle: 1-2 magazines (if equipped)
      • Shotgun: single shot, double barrel, pump or semi-auto (magazine if equipped)
    • Cap with brim (baseball or boonie style)
    • T-Shirt with crew neck collar (no V-necks)
    • Long pants (no shorts)
    • Light hiking boots or running shoes.   NO open toed shoes allowed!
    • Hearing & Wrap around eye protection (available upon request, no charge)
    • Water bottle or hydration system
    • Sunscreen / Bug Spray
    • Weather appropriate clothing
    • Ammunition count:
      • Pistol: 50 rounds of range ammo
      • Rifle: 50 rounds of range ammo
      • Shotgun: 5 slugs, 5 buckshot 25 bird shot (either #6, #7.5 or #8)

    ** Ammunition available for purchase at BRM with advanced notice. **


**If you do not possess any of the above gear, please contact Kevin as far out from the course date as possible**

Teaching Style:

At Blue Ridge Marksmanship, we help you to gain a better understanding for your firearm. We help your gun handling abilities improve and we teach you ‘a way’ to shoot. There are millions of ways to fire a gun and hit a target, we will help you find the best one for you, not hammer you into ‘the way’ to shoot.

(All other courses may be booked online.)

North Carolina’s Premier Shooting School