Audience: This course is for intermediate to advanced level shooters wanting to take their skill sets and mental processing abilities to a much higher level. Students need to be familiar with both pistol and AR-15 platforms. This course will help you to ‘embrace the suck’ of some of the worst case scenarios that you may find yourself in during a bad altercation. In this course you will learn problem solving in three environments: compressed/entangled, vehicle/parking lots, and buildings. Our goal is to help you to develop the cognitive and motor abilities before it is all on the line.
Three bad days is a physical course that will challenge your cognitive processing, pistol & AR-15 handling abilities and the applications of many new concepts. This is not a beginner course.
Scope: The focus of this course is to introduce new skills and refine current ones that maybe utilized in high threat situations in order to give students an understanding of how to formulate appropriate responses in high threat situations. Supplemental knowledge gained from course attendance includes gear set up, placement of weapons/first aid kit and topics of focus for practicing on their own.
The instruction and practical exercises on the range (including Force on Force) will increase your defensive pistol/AR-15 abilities and start to develop neurological pathways that maybe called upon in a dynamic critical incident. The student’s defensive pistol/AR-15 manipulations, tactics, shooting fundamentals will increase, and a variety of additional skills that will improve their thought processing abilities. Lastly, use of tourniquets for hemostatic control coupled with live fire exercises will further introduce skills to all students.
Participants should be prepared to train in all weather conditions. This program can be challenging and participants should come to class with an open mind and a good attitude.
These are approximately 8 hour training days from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm with 30 minutes for lunch. It is highly recommend that you bring your lunch as you will have no options within 15 mins of the range. It is also recommended you have snacks, some will be available such as power bars, crackers and granola bars. Otherwise, please bring your own.
Length & Price: 3 day. $650.
**Course cost includes 100 rounds of force on force ammunition and use of force on force pistols/AR-15**
Areas of Instruction:
Prerequisites and Physical Requirements
Required Equipment
**If you do not possess any of the above gear, or have ammunition selection questions, please contact Kevin as far out from the course date as possible**
Optional Equipment
At Blue Ridge Marksmanship, we help you to gain a better understanding for your firearm. We help your gun handling abilities improve and we teach you ‘a way’ to shoot. There are millions of ways to fire a gun and hit a target, we will help you find the best one for you, not hammer you into ‘the way’ to shoot.
North Carolina’s Premier Shooting School