TACMED & Close Quarters Pistol

TACMED and Close Quarters Pistol



Audience: This is a Tactical Medicine(TCCC)/care under fire and Close Quarters Pistol course designed for anyone who wants to learn how to care for themselves or others in a bad situation. Being able to perform the necessary measures to save lives and if needed know how to utilize a pistol to protect life.


Scope: This is a 4 hour hemorrhage control (stop the bleed) medical course coupled with a 4 hour close quarters pistol course. This is a VERY hands on class! You will be applying all types of hemostatic dressings, wound packing, tourniquets & performing causality movement techniques, more. The medical portion of this class will be taught by Max Boswell at Advanced Tactical Provider. Max is a recognized subject matter expert whose knowledge and experience in this field are unsurpassed.


The firearms portion of the course is instructed by Kevin Dylus of Blue Ridge Marksmanship. This is also a very intense class with focus on accuracy and surviving the ambush, regardless of where it happens at. The pistol portion starts with fundamentals of close quarter pistol craft and moves to techniques for fighting in close quarters including retention shooting and lots of work shooting from seated positions and in and around vehicles.


Upon the successful completion of this course you will receive two certifications, one being a nationally recognized medical certification.
This is a solid 8 hour training day 8:30 am to 4:30 pm with 30 minutes for a working lunch. It is highly recommend that you bring your lunch as you will have no options within 15 mins of the range. It is also recommended you have snacks, some will be available such as power bars and granola bars. Otherwise, please bring your own.

Length & Price: 1 day. $250.

Areas of Instruction:

  • Use of hemostatic control agents
  • Use of tourniquets
  • Use of improvised tourniquets
  • Wound packing
  • Anatomy
  • Tactical Medical Methodology
  • Evaluation of your ability to perform under stress
  • Retention Shooting
  • Extreme close in shooting
  • Multi Threat engagements
  • Shoot/ no-Shoot decision making drills
  • Vehicle counter ambush
  • Awkward shooting


Prerequisites and Physical Requirements
Student should be prepared to train in all weather
Student must possess the physical strength and stamina to fire their firearms in shooting drills.
Student should be physically able to get up and down from standing, kneeling positions.


Required Equipment
Pistol in good working order with at least 3 magazines
Belt mounted, dominant side holster that covers the trigger
Magazine Pouch (available upon request, no charge)
Sturdy belt at least 1.5” wide
Clothing that may get fake blood on it or dirty
Cap with brim (baseball or boonie style)
T-Shirt with crew neck collar (no V-necks)
Long pants (no shorts)
Jacket or vest for concealed carry
Light hiking boots or running shoes. NO open toed shoes allowed!
Hearing protection (available upon request, no charge)
Wrap around eye protection (available upon request, no charge)
Water bottle or hydration system
Sunscreen / Bug Spray
Foul weather clothing
Note taking materials
350 rounds of range ammo (available for purchase at BRM with advanced notice)


If you do not possess any of the above gear, or have ammunition selection questions, please contact Kevin as far out from the course date as possible


Optional Equipment
Knee pads
Long sleeve ‘Sun’ shirt (can be button type)

Teaching Style:

At Blue Ridge Marksmanship, we help you to gain a better understanding for your firearm. We help your gun handling abilities improve and we teach you ‘a way’ to shoot. There are millions of ways to fire a gun and hit a target, we will help you find the best one for you, not hammer you into ‘the way’ to shoot.

North Carolina’s Premier Shooting School